I took the day off work so I could indulge and spend some time in the studio.
Despite my last post, I haven't been totally non-productive; I've actually been working on things. Right now I have several pieces in the works. The above shot of my messy studio shows (from l-r) a landscape, a surrealist piece, a portrait, and, on the drawing table, an angel I just began. All of these bits are in various stages of creation and I find I like to work on more than one piece at a time so I can keep the creative juices flowing while I'm waiting for a different piece to dry.
Of course, like all days "dedicated to creating art", I find I'm increasingly distracted by little things that I need to attend to. I might not be able to focus all my attention 100% on the artwork today, but at least I'll be able to make a little more headway!
BTW, if you actually read this blog, let me know if you think I should post "work in progress" pics or if I should wait until the work is finished before I snap the photo and post here or anywhere else.
I like the work in progress pics. It's interesting to see how a work develops and becomes layered and detailed.