Been hitting some major "artistic blocks" lately. Artistic blocks are different from creative blocks. To me, a creative block is when an artist is at a loss for ideas. An artistic block is when an artist is having trouble working on these ideas.
I have
TONS of ideas I want to work on. I'm just having problems
doing it. Just can't seem to force myself to go to my studio and slop paint. sigh
So, I picked up a book called "
Art & Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland. I found this at Barnes & Noble and straight away it seemed to address exactly what I'm going through. Yay! At least, I'm not alone. Although it isn't written as a "self help" book, I'm hoping to gain a better understanding of my situation and to be inspired to accept it and work through it.
By the way, due to this block, I missed the deadline for the show I was hoping to enter. Oh, well.
Paint first, show second.....or third...or not at all.